Amiga Plus 2000 #4
Amiga Plus CD - 2000 - No. 4.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
850 lines
RTP input packet construction and parsing
#include "speakfree.h"
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
audio_descr_t adt[] = {
/* enc sample ch */
{AE_PCMU, 8000, 1}, /* 0 PCMU */
{AE_MAX, 8000, 1}, /* 1 1016 */
{AE_G721, 8000, 1}, /* 2 G721 */
{AE_GSM, 8000, 1}, /* 3 GSM */
{AE_G723, 8000, 1}, /* 4 Unassigned */
{AE_IDVI, 8000, 1}, /* 5 DVI4 */
{AE_IDVI, 16000, 1}, /* 6 DVI4 */
{AE_LPC, 8000, 1}, /* 7 LPC */
{AE_PCMA, 8000, 1}, /* 8 PCMA */
{AE_MAX, 0, 1}, /* 9 G722 */
{AE_L16, 44100, 2}, /* 10 L16 */
{AE_L16, 44100, 1}, /* 11 L16 */
{AE_MAX, 0, 1}, /* 12 */
#define MAX_MISORDER 100
#define MAX_DROPOUT 3000
/* ISRTP -- Determine if a packet is RTP or not. If so, convert
in place into a sound buffer. */
int isrtp(pkt, len)
unsigned char *pkt;
int len;
#ifdef RationalWorld
rtp_hdr_t *rh = (rtp_hdr_t *) pkt;
unsigned int r_version, r_p, r_x, r_cc, r_m, r_pt,
r_seq, r_ts;
/* Tear apart the header in a byte- and bit field-order
independent fashion. */
r_version = (pkt[0] >> 6) & 3;
r_p = !!(pkt[0] & 0x20);
r_x = !!(pkt[0] & 0x10);
r_cc = pkt[0] & 0xF;
r_m = !!(pkt[1] & 0x80);
r_pt = pkt[1] & 0x1F;
r_seq = ntohs(*((short *) (pkt + 2)));
r_ts = ntohl(*((long *) (pkt + 4)));
if (
#ifdef RationalWorld
rh->version == RTP_VERSION && /* Version ID correct */
rh->pt < ELEMENTS(adt) && /* Payload type credible */
adt[rh->pt].sample_rate != 0 && /* Defined payload type */
/* Padding, if present, is plausible */
(!rh->p || (pkt[len - 1] < (len - (12 + 4 * rh->cc))))
r_version == RTP_VERSION && /* Version ID correct */
r_pt < ELEMENTS(adt) && /* Payload type credible */
adt[r_pt].sample_rate != 0 && /* Defined payload type */
/* Padding, if present, is plausible */
(!r_p || (pkt[len - 1] < (len - (12 + 4 * r_cc))))
) {
struct soundbuf sb;
unsigned char *payload;
int lex, paylen;
/* Length of fixed header extension, if any */
lex = r_x ? (ntohs(*((short *) (pkt + 2 + 12 + 4 * r_cc))) + 1) * 4 : 0;
payload = pkt + (12 + 4 * r_cc) + lex; /* Start of payload */
paylen = len - ((12 + 4 * r_cc) + /* Length of payload */
lex + (r_p ? pkt[len - 1] : 0));
sb.compression = fProtocol;
sb.buffer.buffer_len = 0;
#ifdef NEEDED
/* Fake an RTP unique host name from the SSRC identifier. */
sprintf(sb.sendinghost, ".RTP:%02X%02X%02X%02X",
pkt[8], pkt[9], pkt[10], pkt[11]);
strcpy(sb.sendinghost, ".RTP");
switch (adt[r_pt].encoding) {
case AE_PCMU:
sb.buffer.buffer_len = paylen;
bcopy(payload, sb.buffer.buffer_val, paylen);
case AE_PCMA:
/* Untested: I haven't found a program which sends in this
format. */
int i;
unsigned char *op = (unsigned char *) sb.buffer.buffer_val;
sb.buffer.buffer_len = paylen;
for (i = 0; i < paylen; i++) {
*op++ = alaw2ulaw(*payload++);
case AE_GSM:
sb.buffer.buffer_len = paylen + sizeof(short);
bcopy(payload, sb.buffer.buffer_val + 2, paylen);
*((short *) sb.buffer.buffer_val) =
htons((short) ((((long) paylen) * 160) / 33));
sb.compression |= fCompGSM;
case AE_IDVI:
bcopy(payload + 4, sb.buffer.buffer_val, paylen - 4);
bcopy(payload, sb.buffer.buffer_val + (paylen - 4), 3);
sb.buffer.buffer_len = paylen - 1;
if (adt[r_pt].sample_rate == 8000) {
sb.compression |= fCompADPCM;
} else {
/* Bogus attempt to convert sampling rate. We
really need to do this in linear mode, which isn't
supported on all SPARCs. This is better than
nothing, though. */
int inc = adt[r_pt].sample_rate / 8000, i;
unsigned char *in = (unsigned char *) sb.buffer.buffer_val,
*out = (unsigned char *) sb.buffer.buffer_val;
for (i = 0; i < (paylen - 4) / inc; i++) {
*out++ = *in;
in += inc;
sb.buffer.buffer_len /= inc;
case AE_LPC:
int i, n = paylen / 14;
char *ip = (char *) payload,
*op = (char *) sb.buffer.buffer_val + 2;
/*xd(stderr, pkt, len, TRUE);*/
*((short *) sb.buffer.buffer_val) = htons(160 * n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
bcopy(ip, op, 3);
op[3] = 0;
bcopy(ip + 3, op + 4, 10);
ip += 14;
op += 14;
sb.buffer.buffer_len = paylen + 2;
sb.compression |= fCompLPC;
/*xd(stderr, &sb, (sizeof sb - BUFL) + sb.buffer.buffer_len, TRUE);*/
case AE_L16:
if (adt[r_pt].channels == 1) {
int i, j, k;
for (i = j = k = 0; i < (paylen / 8); i++) {
if ((k & 3) != 2 && ((i % 580) != 579)) {
sb.buffer.buffer_val[j++] =
audio_s2u((((unsigned short *) payload)[i * 4]));
k = (k + 1) % 11;
sb.buffer.buffer_len = j;
} else if (adt[r_pt].channels == 2) {
int i, j, k;
for (i = j = k = 0; i < (paylen / 16); i++) {
if ((k & 3) != 2 && ((i % 580) != 579)) {
sb.buffer.buffer_val[j++] =
audio_s2u(((((unsigned short *) payload)[i * 8]) +
(((unsigned short *) payload)[i * 8 + 1])) / 2);
k = (k + 1) % 11;
sb.buffer.buffer_len = j;
/* Unknown compression type. */
bcopy(&sb, pkt, ((sizeof sb - BUFL)) + sb.buffer.buffer_len);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* ISVALIDRTCPPACKET -- Consistency check a packet to see if
is a compliant RTCP packet. Note that
since this must also accept Speak Freely
SDES packets, the test on the protocol is
not as tight as were it exclusively for
RTP. */
int isValidRTCPpacket(p, len)
unsigned char *p;
int len;
unsigned char *end;
if (((((p[0] >> 6) & 3) != RTP_VERSION) && /* Version incorrect ? */
((((p[0] >> 6) & 3) != 1))) || /* Allow Speak Freely too */
((p[0] & 0x20) != 0) || /* Padding in first packet ? */
((p[1] != RTCP_SR) && (p[1] != RTCP_RR))) { /* First item not SR or RR ? */
return FALSE;
end = p + len;
do {
/* Advance to next subpacket */
p += (ntohs(*((short *) (p + 2))) + 1) * 4;
} while (p < end && (((p[0] >> 6) & 3) == RTP_VERSION));
return p == end;
/* ISRTCPBYEPACKET -- Test if this RTCP packet contains a BYE. */
int isRTCPByepacket(p, len)
unsigned char *p;
int len;
unsigned char *end;
int sawbye = FALSE;
/* Version incorrect ? */
if ((((p[0] >> 6) & 3) != RTP_VERSION && ((p[0] >> 6) & 3) != 1) ||
((p[0] & 0x20) != 0) || /* Padding in first packet ? */
((p[1] != RTCP_SR) && (p[1] != RTCP_RR))) { /* First item not SR or RR ? */
return FALSE;
end = p + len;
do {
if (p[1] == RTCP_BYE) {
sawbye = TRUE;
/* Advance to next subpacket */
p += (ntohs(*((short *) (p + 2))) + 1) * 4;
} while (p < end && (((p[0] >> 6) & 3) == RTP_VERSION));
return (p == end) && sawbye;
/* ISRTCPAPPPACKET -- Test if this RTCP packet contains a APP item
with a given name. If so, returns a pointer
to the APP sub-packet in app_ptr. */
int isRTCPAPPpacket(p, len, name, app_ptr)
unsigned char *p;
int len;
char *name;
unsigned char **app_ptr;
unsigned char *end;
*app_ptr = NULL;
/* Version incorrect ? */
if ((((p[0] >> 6) & 3) != RTP_VERSION && ((p[0] >> 6) & 3) != 1) ||
((p[0] & 0x20) != 0) || /* Padding in first packet ? */
((p[1] != RTCP_SR) && (p[1] != RTCP_RR))) { /* First item not SR or RR ? */
return FALSE;
end = p + len;
do {
if ((p[1] == RTCP_APP) && (memcmp(p + 8, name, 4) == 0)) {
*app_ptr = p;
return TRUE;
/* Advance to next subpacket */
p += (ntohs(*((short *) (p + 2))) + 1) * 4;
} while (p < end && (((p[0] >> 6) & 3) == RTP_VERSION));
return FALSE;
/* RTP_MAKE_SDES -- Generate a source description for this
user, based either on information obtained
from the password file or supplied by
environment variables. Strict construction
of the RTP specification requires every
SDES packet to be a composite which begins
with a sender or receiver report. If the
"strict" argument is true, we'll comply with
this. Unfortunately, Look Who's Listening
Server code was not aware of this little
twist when originally implemented, so it will
take some time to transition all the running
servers to composite packet aware code. */
int rtp_make_sdes(pkt, ssrc_i, port, strict)
char **pkt;
unsigned long ssrc_i;
int port, strict;
unsigned char zp[1500];
unsigned char *p = zp;
rtcp_t *rp;
unsigned char *ap;
char *sp, *ep;
int l, hl;
struct passwd *pw;
char s[256], ev[1024];
#define addSDES(item, text) *ap++ = item; *ap++ = l = strlen(text); \
bcopy(text, ap, l); ap += l
hl = 0;
if (strict) {
*p++ = RTP_VERSION << 6;
*p++ = RTCP_RR;
*p++ = 0;
*p++ = 1;
*((long *) p) = htonl(ssrc_i);
p += 4;
hl = 8;
rp = (rtcp_t *) p;
#ifdef RationalWorld
rp->common.version = RTP_VERSION;
rp->common.p = 0;
rp->common.count = 1;
rp->common.pt = RTCP_SDES;
*((short *) p) = htons((RTP_VERSION << 14) | RTCP_SDES | (1 << 8));
rp->r.sdes.src = htonl(ssrc_i);
ap = (unsigned char *) rp->r.sdes.item;
ep = getenv("SPEAKFREE_ID");
if (ep != NULL) {
if (strlen(ep) == 0) {
ep = NULL;
} else {
strcpy(ev, ep);
ep = ev;
/* Build canonical name for this user. This is generally
a name which can be used for "talk" and "finger", and
is not necessarily the user's E-mail address. */
if ((sp = getenv("SPEAKFREE_CNAME")) != NULL && strlen(sp) > 0) {
/* If strict, drop leading asterisk that's used to request an
unlisted entry on an LWL server. */
if (strict && sp[0] == '*') {
} else {
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
if (pw != NULL) {
char dn[64];
dn[0] = hn[0] = 0;
getdomainname(dn, sizeof dn);
gethostname(hn, sizeof hn);
if (dn[0] != 0) {
sprintf(s, "%s@%s", pw->pw_name, dn);
} else {
struct hostent *h;
struct in_addr naddr;
h = gethostbyname(hn);
if (strchr(h->h_name, '.') != NULL) {
sprintf(s, "%s@%s", pw->pw_name, h->h_name);
} else {
bcopy(h->h_addr, &naddr, sizeof naddr);
sprintf(s, "%s@%s", pw->pw_name, inet_ntoa(naddr));
if (ep == NULL && pw->pw_gecos != NULL) {
char *gc = strchr(pw->pw_gecos, ',');
if (gc != NULL) {
*gc = 0;
addSDES(RTCP_SDES_NAME, pw->pw_gecos);
} else {
#ifdef Solaris
{ char s[12];
sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, s, 12);
sprintf(s, "Unknown@%s.hostid.net", s);
sprintf(s, "Unknown@%lu.hostid.net", gethostid());
/* If a SPEAKFREE_ID environment variable is present,
parse the items it contains. Format:
SPEAKFREE_ID=<full name>:<E-mail address>:<phone number>:<location>
if (ep != NULL) {
int i;
static int items[] = { RTCP_SDES_NAME, RTCP_SDES_EMAIL,
char *np;
for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(items); i++) {
while (*ep && isspace(*ep)) {
if (*ep == 0) {
if ((np = strchr(ep, ':')) != NULL) {
*np++ = 0;
} else {
np = NULL;
if (strlen(ep) > 0) {
/* If strict, drop leading asterisk that's used to request an
unlisted entry on an LWL server. */
if (strict && items[i] == RTCP_SDES_EMAIL && ep[0] == '*') {
addSDES(items[i], ep);
if (np == NULL) {
ep = np;
addSDES(RTCP_SDES_TOOL, "Speak Freely for Unix");
if (!strict) {
/* If a port number is specified, add a PRIV item indicating
the port we're communicating on. */
if (port >= 0) {
char s[20];
sprintf(s, "\001P%d", port);
*ap++ = RTCP_SDES_END;
*ap++ = 0;
l = ap - p;
rp->common.length = htons(((l + 3) / 4) - 1);
l = hl + ((ntohs(rp->common.length) + 1) * 4);
/* Okay, if the total length of this packet is not an odd
multiple of 4 bytes, we're going to put a pad at the
end of it. Why? Because we may encrypt the packet
later and that requires it be a multiple of 8 bytes,
and we don't want the encryption code to have to
know all about our weird composite packet structure.
Oh yes, there's no reason to do this if strict isn't
set, since we never encrypt packets sent to a Look
Who's Listening server.
Why an odd multiple of 4 bytes, I head you ask?
Because when we encrypt an RTCP packet, we're required
to prefix it with four random bytes to deter a known
plaintext attack, and since the total buffer we
encrypt, including the random bytes, has to be a
multiple of 8 bytes, the message needs to be an odd
multiple of 4. */
if (strict) {
int pl = (l & 4) ? l : l + 4;
if (pl > l) {
int pad = pl - l;
bzero(zp + l, pad); /* Clear pad area to zero */
zp[pl - 1] = pad; /* Put pad byte count at end of packet */
p[0] |= 0x20; /* Set the "P" bit in the header of the
SDES (last in message) packet */
/* If we've added an additional word to
the packet, adjust the length in the
SDES message, which must include the
pad */
rp->common.length = htons(ntohs(rp->common.length) + ((pad) / 4));
l = pl; /* Include pad in length of packet */
*pkt = (char *) malloc(l);
if (*pkt != NULL) {
bcopy(zp, *pkt, l);
return l;
return 0;
/* RTP_MAKE_BYE -- Create a "BYE" RTCP packet for this connection. */
int rtp_make_bye(p, ssrc_i, raison, strict)
unsigned char *p;
unsigned long ssrc_i;
char *raison;
int strict;
rtcp_t *rp;
unsigned char *ap, *zp;
int l, hl;
/* If requested, prefix the packet with a null receiver
report. This is required by the RTP spec, but is not
required in packets sent only to the Look Who's Listening
server. */
zp = p;
hl = 0;
if (strict) {
*p++ = RTP_VERSION << 6;
*p++ = RTCP_RR;
*p++ = 0;
*p++ = 1;
*((long *) p) = htonl(ssrc_i);
p += 4;
hl = 8;
rp = (rtcp_t *) p;
#ifdef RationalWorld
rp->common.version = RTP_VERSION;
rp->common.p = 0;
rp->common.count = 1;
rp->common.pt = RTCP_BYE;
*((short *) p) = htons((RTP_VERSION << 14) | RTCP_BYE | (1 << 8));
rp->r.bye.src[0] = htonl(ssrc_i);
ap = (unsigned char *) rp->r.sdes.item;
l = 0;
if (raison != NULL) {
l = strlen(raison);
if (l > 0) {
*ap++ = l;
bcopy(raison, ap, l);
ap += l;
while ((ap - p) & 3) {
*ap++ = 0;
l = ap - p;
rp->common.length = htons((l / 4) - 1);
l = hl + ((ntohs(rp->common.length) + 1) * 4);
/* If strict, pad the composite packet to an odd multiple of 4
bytes so that if we decide to encrypt it we don't have to worry
about padding at that point. */
if (strict) {
int pl = (l & 4) ? l : l + 4;
if (pl > l) {
int pad = pl - l;
bzero(zp + l, pad); /* Clear pad area to zero */
zp[pl - 1] = pad; /* Put pad byte count at end of packet */
p[0] |= 0x20; /* Set the "P" bit in the header of the
SDES (last in message) packet */
/* If we've added an additional word to
the packet, adjust the length in the
SDES message, which must include the
pad */
rp->common.length = htons(ntohs(rp->common.length) + ((pad) / 4));
l = pl; /* Include pad in length of packet */
return l;
/* RTP_MAKE_APP -- Create a "APP" (application-defined) RTCP packet
for this connection with the given type (name)
and content. */
int rtp_make_app(p, ssrc_i, strict, type, content)
unsigned char *p;
unsigned long ssrc_i;
int strict;
char *type, *content;
rtcp_t *rp;
unsigned char *ap, *zp;
int l, hl;
/* If requested, prefix the packet with a null receiver
report. This is required by the RTP spec, but is not
required in packets sent only to other copies of Speak
Freely. */
zp = p;
hl = 0;
if (strict) {
*p++ = RTP_VERSION << 6;
*p++ = RTCP_RR;
*p++ = 0;
*p++ = 1;
*((long *) p) = htonl(ssrc_i);
p += 4;
hl = 8;
rp = (rtcp_t *) p;
*((short *) p) = htons((RTP_VERSION << 14) | RTCP_APP | (1 << 8));
rp->r.bye.src[0] = htonl(ssrc_i);
ap = p + 8;
bcopy(type, ap, 4);
ap += 4;
l = strlen(content);
strcpy((char *) ap, content);
ap += l + 1;
while ((ap - p) & 3) {
*ap++ = 0;
l = ap - p;
rp->common.length = htons((l / 4) - 1);
l = hl + ((ntohs(rp->common.length) + 1) * 4);
/* If strict, pad the composite packet to an odd multiple of 4
bytes so that if we decide to encrypt it we don't have to worry
about padding at that point. */
if (strict) {
int pl = (l & 4) ? l : l + 4;
if (pl > l) {
int pad = pl - l;
bzero(zp + l, pad); /* Clear pad area to zero */
zp[pl - 1] = pad; /* Put pad byte count at end of packet */
p[0] |= 0x20; /* Set the "P" bit in the header of the
SDES (last in message) packet */
/* If we've added an additional word to
the packet, adjust the length in the
SDES message, which must include the
pad */
rp->common.length = htons(ntohs(rp->common.length) + ((pad) / 4));
l = pl; /* Include pad in length of packet */
return l;
/* RTPOUT -- Convert a sound buffer into an RTP packet, given the
SSRC, timestamp, and sequence number appropriate for the
next packet sent to this connection. */
int rtpout(sb, ssrc_i, timestamp_i, seq_i, spurt)
soundbuf *sb;
unsigned long ssrc_i, timestamp_i;
unsigned short seq_i;
int spurt;
soundbuf rp;
rtp_hdr_t *rh = (rtp_hdr_t *) &rp;
int pl = 0;
#ifdef RationalWorld
rh->version = RTP_VERSION;
rh->p = 0;
rh->x = 0;
rh->cc = 0;
rh->m = !!spurt;
*((short *) rh) = htons((RTP_VERSION << 14) | (spurt ? 0x80 : 0));
rh->seq = htons(seq_i);
rh->ts = htonl(timestamp_i);
rh->ssrc = htonl(ssrc_i);
/* GSM */
if (sb->compression & fCompGSM) {
#ifdef RationalWorld
rh->pt = 3;
((char *) rh)[1] = 3;
bcopy(sb->buffer.buffer_val + 2, ((char *) &rp) + 12,
(int) sb->buffer.buffer_len - 2);
pl = (sb->buffer.buffer_len - 2) + 12;
/* ADPCM */
} else if (sb->compression & fCompADPCM) {
#ifdef RationalWorld
rh->pt = 5;
((char *) rh)[1] = 5;
bcopy(sb->buffer.buffer_val, ((char *) &rp) + 12 + 4,
(int) sb->buffer.buffer_len - 3);
bcopy(sb->buffer.buffer_val + ((int) sb->buffer.buffer_len - 3),
((char *) &rp) + 12, 3);
((char *) &rp)[15] = 0;
pl = (sb->buffer.buffer_len + 1) + 12;
/* LPC */
} else if (sb->compression & fCompLPC) {
int i, n = (sb->buffer.buffer_len - 2) / 14;
char *ip = (char *) (sb->buffer.buffer_val + 2),
*op = (char *) &rp + 12;
#ifdef RationalWorld
rh->pt = 7;
((char *) rh)[1] = 7;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
bcopy(ip, op, 3);
bcopy(ip + 4, op + 3, 10);
op[13] = 0;
ip += 14;
op += 14;
pl = 12 + 14 * n;
/* PCMU Uncompressed */
} else { /* Uncompressed PCMU samples */
#ifdef RationalWorld
rh->pt = 0;
/* Already zeroed above */
bcopy(sb->buffer.buffer_val, ((char *) &rp) + 12,
(int) sb->buffer.buffer_len);
pl = (int) sb->buffer.buffer_len + 12;
if (pl > 0) {
bcopy((char *) &rp, (char *) sb, pl);
return pl;
/* PARSESDES -- Look for an SDES message in a possibly composite
RTCP packet and extract pointers to selected items
into the caller's structure. */
int parseSDES(packet, r)
unsigned char *packet;
struct rtcp_sdes_request *r;
int i, success = FALSE;
unsigned char *p = packet;
/* Initialise all the results in the request packet to NULL. */
for (i = 0; i < r->nitems; i++) {
r->item[i].r_text = NULL;
/* Walk through the individual items in a possibly composite
packet until we locate an SDES. This allows us to accept
packets that comply with the RTP standard that all RTCP packets
begin with an SR or RR. */
while ((p[0] >> 6 & 3) == RTP_VERSION || (p[0] >> 6 & 3) == 1) {
if ((p[1] == RTCP_SDES) && ((p[0] & 0x1F) > 0)) {
unsigned char *cp = p + 8,
*lp = cp + (ntohs(*((short *) (p + 2))) + 1) * 4;
bcopy(p + 4, r->ssrc, 4);
while (cp < lp) {
unsigned char itype = *cp;
if (itype == RTCP_SDES_END) {
/* Search for a match in the request and fill the
first unused matching item. We do it this way to
permit retrieval of multiple PRIV items in the same
packet. */
for (i = 0; i < r->nitems; i++) {
if (r->item[i].r_item == itype &&
r->item[i].r_text == NULL) {
r->item[i].r_text = (char *) cp;
success = TRUE;
cp += cp[1] + 2;
/* If not of interest to us, skip to next subpacket. */
p += (ntohs(*((short *) (p + 2))) + 1) * 4;
return success;
/* COPYSDESITEM -- Copy an SDES item to a zero-terminated user
string. */
void copySDESitem(s, d)
char *s, *d;
int len = s[1] & 0xFF;
bcopy(s + 2, d, len);
d[len] = 0;